A Quebec man received a stunt driving charge after police observed him driving an SUV more than 60 km/h above the posted speed limit on Dawson Road Saturday.
Thunder Bay Police Service officers were conducting speed enforcement at about 10 a.m. on Sunday, Jan. 31, 2021 along Dawson Road. During this time officers received reports of a grey-and-blue SUV being driven at a high rate of speed on Dawson Road near Gus Wouri Road.
Officers later observed the vehicle believed to have been the subject of these reports travelling at about 116 km/h on a stretch of roadway with a maximum posted speed limit of 50 km/h.
The motorist’s speed was confirmed with assistance from LIDAR.
A traffic stop was conducted without further incident and the motorist, a 40-year-old Quebec man, was charged for stunt driving under the Highway Traffic Act.
The vehicle was towed from the scene and impounded for seven days.